Just Routine sends out healthy eating tips on a regular basis straight to your iPhone or iPad. To enable or disable these tips, do the following:
- Open up the Settings App and scroll down to Notifications
- Scroll to the Just Routine application and tap on it
When you are on that view, you can change how your healthy tips appear on your device, how long they remain, and whether they make sounds when they come through.
- Allow Notifications: Turn on to get healthy eating tips.
- Sounds: Have Just Routine play a sound when you receive a tip.
- Show on Lock Screen: Turn on to see tips on your Lock screen.
- Show in History: See previous tips since you last cleared them (you clear them by tapping on them or opening the Just Routine application; we'll have a way for you to view previously cleared tips in a later release!)
- Show as Banners: Choose how you want tips to appear when your device is unlocked. Tap Temporary to have tips appear on the screen and then go away. Or tap Persistent to have tips stay on the screen until you read it.
- Show Previews: Keep this on so you can read the tips!